Collaboration • Knowledge • Leadership

Collaboration • Knowledge • Leadership

Webinar to explore challenges and opportunities in women's mental health

Jul, 2021


Mental Health Victoria is partnering with the Women’s Mental Health Alliance for a webinar exploring the key issues in women’s mental health.

The event will examine the implications of the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System for women’s mental health and opportunities to ensure that the redesign of the mental health system meets the needs of women and girls.

Women’s Health Victoria’s Mischa Barr will open proceedings with a short presentation providing an overview of key issues in women’s health. She will then be joined by panellists to share their thoughts and expertise.



  • Maggie Toko, Assistant Commissioner Lived Experience & Engagement, Mental Health Complaints Commissioner
  • Prof Jayashri Kulkarni AM, Professor of Psychiatry at Monash University and The Alfred and Director, Monash Alfred Psychiatry research centre (MAPrc)
  • Dr Adele Murdolo, CEO, Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health
  • Jackson Fairchild, Head of Policy and Programs, Rainbow Health Victoria
  • Lena Risteski, Counsellor at Mind Australia



  • Date: Tuesday 17 August
  • Time: 12–1:30pm
  • Location: Zoom Webinar (link to be supplied)
  • Register here


Key topics:

  • What are the most important issues for women in the reform of the mental health system?
  • How were/weren’t these addressed by the Royal Commission? What are the potential consequences, risks and benefits for women?
  • How can we work together to ensure the needs of all women and gender diverse people are met in implementing the Royal Commission’s recommendations?


About the Women's Mental Health Alliance

Women’s Health Victoria established the Women’s Mental Health Alliance (the Alliance) in 2019 to advocate for a stronger focus on women’s mental health in the context of the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System.

The Alliance is made up of over 30 organisations and experts who are sharing research and data, lived experience, and clinical and policy expertise to help shape a more effective approach to supporting women’s mental health and wellbeing.

The Alliance aims to centre the voices of women with lived experience, and to embed an intersectional approach.

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