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Collaboration • Knowledge • Leadership

Supporting recovery, strengthening reform: MHV's 22 point state budget call sheet

Dec, 2021

Mental Health Victoria is pleased to release its budget submission for 2022/2023 Victorian Government expenditure on mental health. 

In addition to previously announced and forecasted expenditure, we are recommending a further $180 million of urgent State Government investment in response to the ongoing impacts of COVID-19, and system-wide pressures across the mental health system.   

Our 22 funding recommendations are informed by detailed and widespread consultation across the Victorian mental health and wider community sector throughout 2021, targeted consultations in October 2021, and detailed survey responses (including several detailed budget proposals) received in October 2021. We extend our thanks to MHV members and stakeholders for working with us on this submission.  

These budget recommendations are made in the context of a mental health and social and emotional wellbeing crisis in Victoria. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has shone a spotlight on, and exacerbated, existing inequity and vulnerability across our diverse state. It has increased presentations and acuity of mental illness and had a profound impact on the mental health and wellbeing of young Victorians. As 2021 draws to a close, extraordinary demand on services across the state sits uncomfortably alongside workforce fatigue and structural workforce supply limitations.  

Unanimous feedback from across the sector told us that enhanced investment must be made in the next fiscal year to protect the baseline for the reforming vision of the Royal Commission into Victoria’s mental health system. MHV members have called for expansion and funding certainty for Mental Health and Wellbeing Hubs, greater supports for the mental health workforce, and supports for carers, families, young Victorians and vulnerable communities. 

We believe our recommendations will address some of the complex emerging needs across our community that the COVID-19 pandemic has revealed or exacerbated. Our recommendations also intend to assist the government in stabilising mental health service systems in Victoria as reforms get underway. 

You can read our full budget submission here



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