Collaboration • Knowledge • Leadership

Collaboration • Knowledge • Leadership

Recovery-oriented NDIS project releases final report, key resources

Apr, 2022

Mental Health Victoria’s NDIS Recovery-Oriented Psychosocial Disability Support (ROPDS) Project has concluded. Its key deliverables include a recovery-oriented Good Practice Guide for NDIS workers.

The Good Practice Guide is available now on our recovery-oriented care resource page, along with other resources including the reports of a major research project undertaken with LaTrobe University.

Supported by the Department of Social Services through the NDIS Jobs and Market Fund, the ROPDS project sought to lead an evidence-informed, national approach to professional developmentaimed, and build recovery-oriented capabilities within the NDIS workforce.

This included a series of national workshops, phone and online consultations, and surveys, which informed and were informed by the research project.

Mental Health Victoria thanks project lead Kieran Halloran and his team for their outstanding work on this project over the past two years.

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