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Angus Clelland, CEO of Mental Health Victoria, in front Melbourne's Royal Exhibition Building on the day of the launch of the Royal Commission into Vicotira's Mental Health Systen final report.

MHV to farewell CEO Angus Clelland

21 December 2021
Mental Health Victoria CEO Angus Clelland will depart the role on 22 February after five years with the organisation.
Youing women in conversation at a picnic table

Registrations open for Lived Experience Peer Cadet Program

16 December 2021
The Lived Experience Peer Cadet Program will be open to applications as of 4pm Monday 17 January 2022.

Face to face training is back

15 December 2021
We are delighted to announce the release of our Semester One 2022 training calendar. Pleasingly, it marks the return of face to face learning at Mental Health Victoria.
Woman looks towards sky with a look of reverence. Behind her, out of fofcus, is a field with yellow flowers and a low mountain rang with the sun setting behind it.

Supporting recovery, strengthening reform: MHV's 22 point state budget call sheet

06 December 2021
Mental Health Victoria is pleased to release its budget submission for 2022/2023 Victorian Government expenditure on mental health. 
Brown skinned man with beard and hat on backwards smiles at camera with sunlight behind him

MHV launches 2020-21 Annual Report

28 November 2021

Today we are proud to share with you our 2020-21 Annual Report which outlines our work and achievements across the course of the year.

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